I was really hoping all of my NY family would at least be here through Thanksgiving, but it looks like it's just going to me and 'Huff&Puff". Who now has this new thing he's saying all the time. Whenever he's distracted in traffic and doesn't see that the vehicle in front of him isn't moving, once he realizes it, he then has to slam on his breaks and he says to his truck, "Whooa. Trigga' Whoa." I wasn't aware that we were now galloping thru' the streets of NY by a horse named Trigga. I'm going to miss Jose & 'Yon'. Now when I come home, it will just be silence with a lot of weird creepy Nik Naks staring at me. And I swear if one of them says to me 'Honey, I'm home." I might crap a brick and be outta there faster than lighting!
Now for a little music rambling:
I've been craving some new tunes lately to say the least so I bought Gavin DeGraw, Coldplay, and Florence and The Machine's new albums. They've seemed to satisfy thus far. Coldplay's album is so good to run to. I'm anxiously awaiting John Mayer's new ablum that has been put on hold due to his granuloma. I wish I could be home for the Drew Holcomb's Very Neighborly Christmas show this year. Andrew Ripp is going to be playing with them and 'other special guests' which I'm sure will include Dave Barnes. I miss home. Oh! and pretty sure I'm in love with Bon Iver.
I've had a lot of readers ask about my 'Cougar's paws' shoes with the pink shoe laces in them. #Tottyflare Here they are! Ha! Have you ever? I love it. They are kinda B.A. I'm just sayin'
This past week Huff&Puff and I were heading down the interstate and without warning it went down to 2 lanes due to construction. Classic. Well we we're sitting in the lane next to the HOV lane when out of nowhere this SUV came flying by and his mirror smacked the heck outta Huff&Puff's mirror! He was livid and going off like a mad man. The SUV never stopped he just kept on going. I just thought to myself...'Whoa. Trigga, Whoa.'
ummm pretty sure I'll be at the Drew Holcomb Christmas show... I'll tell Dave and Andrew you said "hey"... sucka!!!!! bahahahahaha